
Thursday, September 09, 2010

A thought came across my mind n i have a burden to share

Is it so hard to reach out to others about Jesus Christ ? If everyone just took a step of faith to tell others about Jesus Christ , look at the number of people who would have heard the good news ! Is it so hard to reach out to just 1person everyday , sharing the good news about god . Look at the number of christians today , if everyone just shared the gospel , everyday millions of people would hear the good news . But why isn't that happening ?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Random !

Helloooo people ! :D Someone pestered me to updat my blog so ... Oh well as you know , exams exams exams ! Ahhhh ! Stress !! Haha I'm bored so yeah .. :D

Saturday, July 03, 2010

What are the roles and functions of the stomach ? DONE BY : NOAH

Roles : The stomach mechanically mixes food. It also releases substances that chemically break down food, such as hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid, often called stomach acid, plays a key role in the stomach. It helps digest proteins, fat, vitamins, and minerals, maintains the acidity of the stomach, and helps kill bacteria, viruses.

Functions :. Muscles in the wall of the stomach help to move the food and acid around making sure that they mix thoroughly. Stomach acid helps to break down the food into smaller pieces . The acid also kills bacteria contained in the swallowed food or saliva. By the time food is ready to leave the stomach, it has been processed into a thick liquid. Finally, muscular movements in the lower part of the stomach push this partly-digested food down towards the small intestine.

Dad ):

Will be praying . I just hope you're alright . (:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010



Me n my girlfriend :D