
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Trust in the LORD for He is the Saviour!

Have you ever looked...really looked..... into the eyes of a child? What do you see? I remember one time I was in a supermarket getting a few things, and there was this young child riding in the seat of her mother's food carriage.... just staring at me with a casual smile. Just staring. I smiled and continued looking for my items, but noticed, the child was still staring. I had been going through some personal issues at the time and was feeling low, but then I felt this comforting feeling when I looked into the eyes of that child. I thought to myself, look at the innocence. Look at the lack of fear this child is displaying while she looks at someone she knows nothing about. Then it hit me. Could it be as if the Lord were saying, "slow down, and look at the simple beauty of what I give you in life". The necessary things you need in life, the beauty of my creation ......the unconditional love in this child's eyes with a smile for someone she does not know."

I do believe God speaks to us in sometimes subtle ways. Messages from Him come in all kinds and sizes of packages. Sometimes we get so caught up in our life's issues. We dwell on the bad issues for so long, we don't think to just "look, into the eyes of a child". I don't know about you, but there's something
wonderfully incomprehensible about the innocence of children. They take the stress out of our daily hectic lifestyles (at least when their young) and somehow are able to bring us back down to simplicity...... in their innocence, there's a message, from them maybe unintentionally and maybe intentionally from God.

Jesus stressed the importance of these children and their significance in all of our lives; So i hope you are blessed by my message! Hope you guys are! Feel free to tag on my blog if you have any questions or doubts... The Lord is my Shepherd, He strengthens me! Without Him, nothing is possible... He created everything!!

tats all im going to share for today...
Love Noah...(:!



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